Molly Miller (Combtooth) Blenny (Captive-Bred)

Sale price$79.99
In stock
Molly Miller Captive-Bred Biota
Intermediate Peaceful Herbivore
3/4" 3"
Captive-Bred 20g
1.020-1.025 72-78F

Only after passing a minimum four week quarantine and a five point inspection for overall health, appetite, coloration, energy and demeanor will the best, most healthy specimens be taken to the Salty Lagoon holding system! These fish are guaranteed to be among the most healthy available for sale online. So much so that any purchases from this category are backed by a Live-Arrival 7 Day Guarantee!

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Aiptasia Eater!

Captive-Bred Molly Miller Blennys by Biota Group now available at Reef Chasers! Make this eco-friendly purchase with the confidence that the reefs will remain unscathed!

The Molly Miller Blenny, scientifically known as Scartella cristata, is a charming and captivating marine fish that adds both personality and functionality to a saltwater aquarium. Native to the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, these small fish are beloved for their fascinating behavior and striking appearance.

Measuring typically between 2 to 3 inches in length, the Molly Miller Blenny showcases a slender body adorned with vibrant colors. Its body is primarily covered in shades of brown and beige, often complemented by iridescent blue spots or lines along its sides. However, the most distinctive feature of this species is its large, expressive eyes, which give it an almost comical yet endearing appearance.

What sets the Molly Miller Blenny apart is its entertaining behavior. It is an active and social fish, constantly darting in and out of hiding places within the aquarium's rockwork. Known for its curious nature, it will often explore every nook and cranny of its environment, offering endless entertainment to aquarium enthusiasts. Additionally, these blennies are known to form interesting symbiotic relationships with various invertebrates, such as pistol shrimp or small hermit crabs, which adds another layer of intrigue to their behavior.

In terms of care, the Molly Miller Blenny is relatively undemanding, making it an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists. It thrives in well-established aquariums with plenty of live rock for hiding and grazing. Providing a varied diet consisting of small crustaceans, algae, and prepared foods will ensure its health and vitality.

Overall, the Molly Miller Blenny is a delightful addition to any marine aquarium, bringing both beauty and entertainment to the underwater world. With its striking appearance and captivating behavior, it is sure to capture the hearts of aquatic enthusiasts everywhere.

For more information about this species and more visit our Marine Fish Care Blog.

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